Create New Website With Nextjs
Post Date : 2023-09-26T12:00:00+07:00
Modified Date : 2023-09-26T12:00:00+07:00
Category: nextjs
Tags: nextjs
In this article, we’ll go through all of nextjs’s important concepts:
- How does nextjs work?
- Things you need to know to create a website with nextjs
- When you need to use nextjs?
- Real world examples: build a mcq website ( multichoice questions ) for developer with NextJS + SailsJS + MongoDB
- https://mcq-web.jsbase.dev ( Web )
- https://mcq-api.jsbase.dev ( API )
Note: About API in dev server, all data will be reset after one week. Feel free to use for your testing/learning purpose.
Let’s start by creating your server side render framework using ReactJS and NodeJS
How does nextjs work?
Things you need to know about nextjs
When you need to use nextjs?
Build a mcq website ( multichoice questions ) for developer with NextJS + SailsJS + MongoDB
- Scalable structure for NextJS App ( NextJS BoilerPlate )
- When/How do we use redux tools in NextJS App?
- How to organize your API in NextJS App?
- How to apply Role Base Access Control in NextJS App?
- How to work with WebSocket in your NextJS App?
- How to work with web worker in your NextJS App?
- How to deploy your NextJS App?
- NextJS Best Practice