How to Use Typescript Path Alias in Loopback 4
Post Date : 2022-08-05T15:07:40+07:00
Modified Date : 2022-08-05T15:07:40+07:00
Category: cheatsheet
Tags: typescript
The problem
In Node.js (or TS/JS in general) you can import single modules into your code. This might look the following:
import { Example } from "../example/model";
import { Article } from "../article/model";
The problem we have here is that the deeper your project tree is the more ‘../’ are required to access modules in higher layers. Actually, this doesn’t look very beautiful to be honest. Fortunately we can change that.
The solution: path aliases
import { Example } from "@modules/example/model";
import { Article } from "@modules/article/model";
In our case
@modules that maps to ‘./src/modules’
Our tsconfig
"baseUrl": "./src",
"paths": {
"@modules/*": ["./*"]
And run
ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register src/index.ts
But everything is not pink and you will get this error at run time
node dist/index.js
Error: Cannot find module ‘@modules/example/model’
Because when you build, it is still keep your alias, so there are 2 ways to allow us to start the application:
- Using tsconfig-paths at run time, at start up time, it will map the path alias to your relative paths
node -r tsconfig-paths/register dist/index.js
- Replace all relative path in your build with tsc-alias
npm install --save-dev tsc-alias
"build": "lb-tsc --copy-resources && tsc-alias",