Aws Series Serverless Computing
Post Date : 2024-01-01T15:49:26+07:00
Modified Date : 2024-01-01T15:49:26+07:00
Category: systemdesign aws
Tags: aws
AWS Lambda
Serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing the underlying servers. So you can focus on code, not the servers! Automated scaling
Lambda Main features
- Free tier 1M requests and 400K GBs of compute per month
- Integrates with numerous AWS services: S3, DynamoDB, EventBridge, SQS/SNS, and Kinenis
- CloudWatch for Logging
- Set memories requirement as needed, up to 10,240 MB! CPU scales with memory
- Execution Length: short-term executions, limit time is 900s(15mins). For anything longer: AWS Batch, EC2
- Runtime support: Python,Golang,Java,Node.js and others
- Runtime
- Permissions: you need to attach a role
- Networking: optionally define VPC, subnet, and security groups your functions are a part of.
- Resources: define the amount of available memory allocated to your function
- Trigger: What’s going to alert your Lambda function to start? Defining a trigger will kick Lambda off if that event occurs
Lambda Function Quotas
Popular Architecture Example
Serverless Application Repository
- Serverless Apps: allow user to easily find, deploy, or even publish their own serverless applications.
- Ability to privately share applications within orgs or publicity for the world
- AWS SAM template: upload load your application code and a manifest file.
- Deeply integrated with AWS Lambda service. Appears with console.
Serverless Application Model
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: src/get-all-items.getAllItemsHandler
Runtime: nodejs12.x
Type: HttpApi
Path: /
Method: GET
Id: SampleTable
- Read
Type: AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable
Publish and Deploy
- Makes them available for others to find and deploy
- Define apps with AWS SAM template
- Set to private by default
- Must explicit share if desired
- Find and deploy published applications
- Browse public apps without needing an AWS account
- Browse within AWS Lambda console
- Be careful of trusting all applications
Running container in Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS
Problems with Containers
- Proprietary AWS Specific container management solution
- Best use when you’re all in on AWS
- You’re looking for something simple to orchestrate containers
- AWS managed version of opensource Kubernetes container management solution
- Best used when you’re all in on AWS
- Significantly more work to configure and integrate with AWS
Both of them are greate for long running applications.
AWS Fargate
- AWF Fargate is a serverless compute engine for docker containers
- AWS owns and manages the infrastructure
- Require use of ECS or EKS
- Support both Linux and Windows Container
EC2 vs Fargate
- You are responsible for underlying operating system
- EC2 pricing model
- Long-running containers
- Multiple containers can share same host
- Capable of mouting EFS file systems for persistent, shared storage
- No operating system access
- Pay based on resources allocated and time ran
- Short-running tasks
- Isolated environment per container
- Capable of mounting EFS file systems for persistent, shared storage
Fargate vs Lambda
- Select Fargate when you have more consistent workloads.
- Allow Docker use across the organization and a great level of control by developers
- Great for unpredictable or inconsistent workloads
- Perfect for applications that can be expressed as a single function
Amazon EventBridge
- Amazon EventBridge(formerly CloudWatch Events) is a serverless event bus
- It allows you to pass events from a source to an endpoint. It’s the glue that holds your serverless application together
Main concepts
- Events: a recorded changed in an AWS environment, SaaS partner, or one of your own configured applications/services. This also included scheduled events
- Rules: criteria used to match incoming events and send them to the appropriate targets. Based on either event patterns or schedules
- Event bus: A router that receives events and delivers them to targets(destinations). Every account has a default bus, and you can create other custom buses.
Rule Triggers
- Event Pattern: Define an event source and event pattern that trigger your rule. Eg: EC terminated.
- Scheduled: Set up a recurring schedule for trigger your rule. Eg: Rate-based(1hour), Cron-based(0 12 * _ ? _)
Event Bridge Architecture
Amazon ECR
Amazon Elastic Container Registry
- AWS-managed container image registry
- Private container image repositories with permissions via IAM
- Supported formats: OCI images, Docker images, OCI artifact
- Lifecycle policies: rules for expering and removing unused/older images
- Scan on push repository settings
- Sharing: Cross region, cross account, configured per repository and per region
- Cache rules: pull through cache rules allow for caching public repos privately
- Tags: prevent image tags from being overwritten, configured per repository this setting
- Integrations: your own container infrastructure, Amazon EC2, Amazon EKS clusters, Amazon Linux can be used locally
Amazon EKS Distro
- Amazon EKS Distro(Amazon EKS-D) is Kubernetes distribution based on and used by Amazon EKS
- Amazon EKS is fully managed by you
- Where: anywhere
- Self-managed Kubernetes deployments
Amazon EKS, ECS anywhere outside AWS
EKS Anywhere
- On-premises EKS : on-premises way to manage K8s clusters with same practice use EKS, based on EKS distro, full lifecycle management of multiple K8s clusters, required enterprise subscriptions
ECS anywhere
- Management of container-based apps on-premises
- No need to install and operate local container orchestration software
- No ELB support for inbound traffic
- SSM Agent
- ECS Agent
- Docker
- Must register external instances as SSM Managed Instances
- Can install scripts using ECS console
- Execute scripts on-premises VMs or bare-metal servers
- Deploy containers using the EXTERNAL lauch type
Amazon Aurora Serverless
- On-Demand and Auto-scaling
- Aurora Capacity Unit(ACUs): measurement on how your clusters scale
- Set a minimum and maximum ACUs for scaling requirements. v1 can be set 0, but from v2 only to minimum
- Allocated(quickly) by AWS-managed warm pools
- Each ACU: 2 Gib memory + matching CPU, networking capability
- Same data resiliency as Aurora provisioned: six copies of data across 3 AZs
- Multi-AZ deployments for establing highly available clusters
X-Ray for Amazon App-Insight
- App-Insight: insights about request/response
- Downstream: view calls to downstream AWS resources and other microservices/apis/databases
- Traces
- Multiple options:tracing headers, send tracedata, run X-Ray deamon
- header contain: X-Amzn-Trace-Id
- AWS X-Ray deamon, software listen UDP at port 2000. Collects raw segment data and sends it to AWS X-Ray API
AWS Appsync for GraphQL Interfaces
- Robust, scalable GraphQL interfaces for application developers
- Combine data from multiple resoures: DynamoDB, Lambda
- Easy interact via GraphQL
- GraphQL: data language that enables app to fetch data from servers
- Seamless integration with: React, ReactNative, IOS and Android